10th Floor, Met Building
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Wiggin LLP
10th Floor, Met Building
22 Percy Street

Steve Ketteley is a partner at Wiggin, a leading firm in the media, entertainment and gaming spaces. He is based in London. By background, Stephen is a commercial, regulatory and technology lawyer and concentrates on advising clients on all operational and regulatory aspects of their businesses, with a particular expertise in the infrastructure that underpins the on-line gambling industry. He acts for operators and suppliers alike by drafting, negotiating and advising on matters such as intellectual property, software licensing and development, white-label supply agreements and affiliate arrangements and advises on the regulatory aspects of corporate transactions and the corresponding issues affecting investors, lenders and intermediaries. He regularly speaks at the sector’s major conferences, regularly writes for its major publications and is noted in Chambers and the Legal500 as an expert on legal matters relating to the online gambling industry.