40 North Central Avenue, Suite 1900
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Partner, Business Section
Lewis Roca Rothgerber
40 North Central Avenue, Suite 1900

Steve Hart is a nationally recognized attorney, practicing in the areas of Indian Law, Gaming Law, and Corporate and Government Relations. Mr. Hart represents Tribes and Tribal Gaming Commissions throughout the Western United States. He also represents corporations and other business entities in their efforts to shape and comply with government regulations. Mr. Hart served as the Director of the Arizona Department of Gaming during the Jane Hull administration. He led the Department through Sunset legislation, budget crises and high profile gaming investigations. In addition, he served as Governor Hull’s personal legal advisor on Indian gaming and was on the Governor’s team for negotiation of new Tribal-State gaming compacts with the 22 Tribal governments in Arizona. His work for the State of Arizona culminated with the December 2002 signing of new gaming compacts in Arizona. After the signing of the compacts, he returned to private practice and has been representing Tribes throughout the United States on a variety of gaming matters, including gaming ordinances, financings, tribal/state compacts, development and management agreements, land into trust and Indian lands determinations.