Mr. Dunbar's practice focuses on gaming and governmental law. Over the past two decades, he has established himself one of the Florida’s leading gaming attorneys. His gaming practice is Florida’s largest encompassing both lobbying and litigation for casinos, iGaming and social gaming companies, gaming suppliers, pari-mutuels, Indian tribes, sweepstakes and charities. Mr. Dunbar is regularly asked to appear before legislative and law enforcement panels to comment on changes to Florida’s gaming laws and provide assistance in drafting changes to Florida’s gaming rules and statutes. Mr. Dunbar also teaches Gambling and Pari-mutuel Law at Florida State University College of Law and is regularly named one of the state’s top lawyers in the state by his peers in the annual Legal Elite Survey published by Florida Trend magazine, Florida’s premiere business publication. He is a regular media commentator and author on gaming issues and hosts a website dedicated to Florida’s gaming industry. He has twice served in senior executive capacities with gaming companies.